
Benefits of Orton-Gillingham training

Benefits of Orton-Gillingham training

Orton-Gillingham (OG) is a cognitive behavioral therapy for children with autism that focuses on social communication deficits and other non-verbal learning disabilities. OG Training can benefit children who are nonverbal or limited in their verbal abilities. In addition to helping them with their speech and language development, OG teaches students how to process information verbally to be successful at school and in the community. This article explains the benefits of Orton-Gillingham training:

Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

The skills you learn in OG training can be used to solve problems. For example, you might use the skill of identifying what you think and feel by asking yourself questions like, Are you feeling angry, sad, or jealous?

You can also practice using these skills by going out into the world and asking others for feedback about their experience with a product or service. This will help you get an idea of how people react to what they’re experiencing so that it’s easier for them to make informed decisions when purchasing something new at a store later on down the road!

Improve written communication skills.

While the Orton-Gillingham method can be used in a friendly tone, it is not necessarily appropriate for all situations. In general, the style of your writing should be clear and straightforward. You should use a conversational style for your child’s “to-do” lists; however, you might want to formalize those lists by using a formal tone when addressing them formally in class or on paper (such as an email).

Suppose you’re composing letters or documents that require formality (like job applications). In that case, it’s best to stick with the formal style—especially if other people are involved in the process who will read them later on!

Increase writing speed.

You can use the Orton-Gillingham approach to increase your writing speed. It’s a simple technique that uses a pen and paper, computer, typewriter, or text editor to write as many words per minute as possible.

The benefits of this method include the following:

  • Increased accuracy: because you have more time to think about what you’re writing down before moving on to the next word;
  • Faster turnaround time: if something is wrong with your draft (like missing punctuation marks), then it only takes one re-write instead of several;
  • Lower stress levels: since there’s no pressure on yourself or others around when working under this system;

Vocabulary improvement.

  • Use of context clues.
  • Use of synonyms and antonyms.
  • Use words that are opposites but still have a similar meaning to your intended target audience (e.g., “good” vs. “bad”).
  • The ability to understand how two words can be used in a sentence when they mean something different than one another (i.e., homographs). This is important because it teaches students how to distinguish between homographs such as “describe” versus “takedown,” which are both nouns but have very different meanings!
  • Knowing what hypernyms/hyponyms mean will help you avoid misusing them when describing something yourself or talking about it with others who have yet to become familiar with their definitions!

Support the reading process.

Orton-Gillingham teachers use various techniques to help students read, including prompting their students to use certain words or phrases in their writing when they are struggling with comprehension. This can be helpful for those who struggle with decoding words or concepts that don’t seem clear enough to them at first glance, such as “the” versus “a” (or even worse: “the”).

Increase your pronunciation and fluency.

When you’re learning to speak, using a friendly tone and a positive attitude is the most important thing. You can say much more if you have a positive attitude and voice.

Let’s look at some examples of how one can build up fluency by using these techniques:

  • Use a “friendly” voice – this means using an open tone that makes it easier for others to understand what you are saying (and encouraging them!). The style should be clear enough for others and yourself so that when speaking with someone who has difficulty hearing or understanding English well, they can easily understand what’s being said! It’s also essential not just to listen when listening but also to watch while reading out loud because this will help improve pronunciation skills too!

Author: David Richord

About the author

Evelyn Barnes

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