
Why Do People Take a Parental DNA Test?

Paternity Test

How much is a DNA test to see who the father is?

DNA paternity testing kit can cost you between $60 to $200. However, you might need to pay up to 500$ for a legal paternity test in a medical center. Additionally, health insurance doesn’t cover these costs.

What is DNA paternity testing?

DNA is a genetic substance that you inherit from your parents. In addition, the term paternity refers to fatherhood. A Parental DNA test utilizes your DNA. In most cases, it is taken from your cheek swab to find out who the real father is. Moreover, paternity testing has the probability of being 99.9% accurate.

Why do people take a parental DNA test?

There are many reasons why people use parental DNA tests. However, some of the main reasons are:

Gaining the legal rights of child support, social security benefits, inheritance, and child custody.

Similarly, with this testing, you can find out medical complexities that can affect your child’s health.

Can a test determine paternity during pregnancy?

There are three different types of paternity testing while pregnant. These tests are as accurate as the test performed after the baby’s birth. Three methods are:

Noninvasive parental paternity testing (NIPP): This paternity testing while pregnant evaluates the fetal DNA that is present in the pregnant woman’s blood. The lab specialist will compare the fetal DNA information to the alleged father’s DNA.

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS): In this paternity testing, while pregnant, a healthcare provider will take a sample of tissue from the placenta. This process is performed on the mother’s abdomen. Afterward, the lab will compare the DNA sample taken from the mother with the alleged father’s DNA. This test is performed between 10 to 13 weeks after a woman’s last menstrual period. However, there is a slight chance of pregnancy loss.

Amniocentesis: In this parental testing method, a doctor will draw out a small quantity of amniotic fluid. In this process, a needle is inserted into the mother’s abdomen. Afterward, the lab will compare the DNA taken from the mother with the DNA of the alleged father. Amniocentesis is performed between the 15th and 20th weeks of pregnancy. This paternity testing while pregnant can increase the chances of miscarriage.

What are the types of paternity testing?

If you want to take the test for legal reasons, then the test must be performed in a medical setting; hence legal DNA paternity testing must be performed. On the other hand, if you want to clear doubt or confusion, you should take a Choice DNA home paternity test kit.

What is the process of performing a DNA parental test?

There are two ways to perform paternity tests:

Blood tests: if the suspected father and child give blood to a medical facility. Afterward, the facility will send the sample to a lab for analysis.

Cheek Swabs: in this type, the suspected father and the child will swab the inside of their cheeks for cheek cells. Afterward, the cotton buds are sent to the designated lab.

After the collection, the lab will run multiple tests called DNA sequencing. These evaluation methods will look for the genetic similarities between the suspected father and the child. If it is a match, the paternity is confirmed.

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When should you get the DNA paternity test results?

The turnaround times of the lab results are different for every organization. There are multiple factors in terms of paternity testing, like the time it takes for the sample to reach the lab. Afterward, the time for the labs to run the tests. Your results may be available for two days or longer. Moreover, if you pay some extra fees, there are some DNA paternity testing providers that can generate the results on the same day. Meanwhile, their another DNA testing center that displays the results on a secure website so that you can have easy access. However, the scenarios like paternity testing while pregnant will take several weeks to generate the results.

Whenever a child’s paternity is in question, Choice DNA’s parental DNA testing can clear all the confusion and provide you with a reliable and accurate answer. Additionally, your healthcare provider will suggest the paternity test that will suit you the most. Moreover, Choice DNA provides DNA testing for both legal and personal reasons.

About the author

Robert Lenz

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