Essay Writing

Role of Paraphrasers in Content Optimization and Essay Writing

Content optimization can be broadly defined as the process in which a piece of content is polished and perfected in order to be appealing to the readers as well as the search engines.

And contrary to what a lot of people may think, paraphrasing can be very helpful for achieving this purpose. Many people may not feel very warmly towards paraphrasers. This can be due to the fact that paraphrasers have a general reputation of being used for malicious and unethical purposes.

For example, students can use them to ‘cleverly’ copy the work of their classmates and present it as their own. Similarly, content creators can use them to churn out blog posts and articles for their marketing strategy.

However, despite the fact that paraphrasers can be used for a host of ‘evil’ purposes, they also have some clean and beneficial uses as well.

And due to a lot of these clean uses, paraphrasers are considered to be good tools for content optimization. Moving on in this post, let’s take a look at some ways in which paraphrasers play a role in optimizing content.

Role of Paraphrasers in Content Optimization

There are basically two main benefits that paraphrasers can provide to writers during the content optimization process. Let’s look at them one by one.

1. Removing Plagiarism

One of the worst issues that writers can face when creating content is plagiarism. Plagiarism can, unlike what a lot of people may think, also occur unintentionally rather than purely by design.

In other words, even if a writer does not have the slightest intention to commit plagiarism, they can still end up copying something unintentionally. And unfortunately, the consequences of plagiarism, whether deliberate or accidental, are the same.

Using paraphrasers is a good way of removing plagiarism from a piece of content and making it unique. Paraphrasers generally work by rewording the given content and changing the words/phrases used in it. This gimmick can be great for removing plagiarism without altering the original meaning and context.

So, if you happen to find some plagiarism in your work, you don’t have to worry about manually removing or rewording it. You can copy that specific part of the content and run it through a paraphraser.

2. Increasing Readability

Before we go with this point, it has to be remembered that increasing the readability of the given content is not something that is done by all paraphrasers. Rather, only the top ranking and most excellent tools manage to provide this perk.

This is, by the way, a sad reality. Most paraphrasers available online are not very good.

But, we digress. Let’s come back to the point.

Increasing and improving the readability of the content is one of the main things that has to be done in the ‘optimization’ phase. Doing this basically ensures that your readers can go through the content without a lot of difficulty.

Paraphrasers can be helpful in this process since they work to change your content by adding different synonyms and phrases to the existing ones already present in it. If, for example, your content has a bunch of extremely difficult words, the paraphraser could lighten it up a little, and make it easier to understand.

Similarly, another way in which paraphrasers can improve the readability of the content is by changing the sentence structures. Here is an example of how this works:

Original Sentence: He went to the shop so that some goods could be purchased by him.

Paraphrased Output (given by tool): He went to the store to get some things.

So, if there happens to be some long-drawn and unnecessarily convoluted sentences in your content, a good paraphraser will help you simplify them.

Which Paraphrasers Should You Use for Content Optimization?

There are a lot of different paraphrasers available on the internet nowadays. However, despite their abundance, not all of them are worth using. A lot of tools mess up the context of the content and paraphrase it in such a way that it looks nonsensical.

So, in order to properly get the benefit of paraphrasers for content optimization, you have to look a little carefully and pick a good tool.

To help you with that, we are going to be taking a look at a couple of paraphrasers that you can use in 2022.

1. Paraphraser by

One of the main and primary benefits that you can enjoy with the paraphraser by Prepostseo is that it’s free to start and it does not even require you to make a profile. However, by using it without subscribing to a paid plan, you will not be able to use the ‘Creative’ mode; which is, by the way, the best out of the lot.

Basically, there are a total of four modes that are offered by this paraphrasing tool. They are:

  • Simple
  • Advanced
  • Fluency
  • Creative

Each of these modes works differently than the other. The ‘Simple’ mode affects very basic and minimal changes to the given text whereas the ‘Creative’ modes affects some pretty drastic ones. The ‘Advanced’ modes lets the user edit the changes to customize the output as per their need (this feature is also available in the ‘Simple’ mode).

The ‘Fluency’ mode, on the other hand, can be thought of a slightly lesser version of the “Creative” mode.

Apart from the excellent working of this tool, there are several other nifty features that you can enjoy as well. For example, you can upload your files directly from the local storage or import them from your G Drive account. You can also specify words that you don’t want the tool to change. This can be useful if you want to prevent any SEO keywords from being edited.

And to cap it all, this tool also supports multiple languages. For example, if you want to paraphrase some text written in Spanish, you can do it by first selecting the language from the bottom right corner. (We actually tested this as well. It works remarkably.)

2. Linguix

Linguix is an amazing tool for paraphrasing. However, it comes with the slightly annoying disadvantage of a near-mandatory sign-up requirement.

We say ‘near-mandatory’ because you can technically use the tool without signing up. However, you’ll be limited…really limited with the input capacity. You’ll only be able to enter a few sentences in one go.

You can sign up to get rid of this issue.

Moving on, the working of this tool is pretty good. It works differently from other paraphrasers in that it has a very straight-forward process. In other words, you don’t have to upload or import your content, do a captcha and then click on a button to start the process. You can just type or paste your text inside the box and then select it with your mouse cursor.

Once you do that, a small icon will pop up. By clicking on this icon, you’ll be able to generate multiple rewritten versions of the selected text.

Some, if not all, of the rewriting suggestions given by this tool are impressively intelligent. It almost feels like if there’s a person sitting at the back who’s giving out the suggestions in real-time.


Paraphrasers can be used very constructively during the content optimization process. They can be used to remove plagiarism from a piece of content, or to make the same more engaging to read.

However, these benefits can only be acquired if the paraphraser you choose is intelligent and works on some excellent algorithms. Finding and choosing them can be a bit arduous, which is why we’ve suggested two of them in the post above.

About the author

Torrance Mueller

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