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The Engagement of Employees Depends on Managers, This is Why?


Employee engagement is a matter of feeling as if their work matters. This means that managers need to make it clear why the work they do matters and why this should matter to them. In addition to demonstrating transparency, managers should also offer growth opportunities. Employees need to see that the work they do is important and their performance is not only rewarded but also recognized. This way, employees are more likely to be engaged in their work.

Employees are Engaged Because They Feel their Work Matters:

An engaged employee is one who has a strong sense of commitment to the work that they do and sees a real connection between what they do and what the organization is trying to achieve. They are also enthusiastic, eager to learn, and are constantly challenged. When employees are engaged, they are more committed to the organization and work harder. They feel that their work is meaningful, and they know that their efforts are appreciated.

Research shows that organizations that treat their employees as stakeholders in their own future are more successful. They place employees in positions of responsibility and influence, and prioritize concrete performance management activities that help employees develop. This approach increases employee engagement because it allows managers to share the results of their success with their employees.

An engaged employee recognizes that their work is valuable and that it has the potential to make or break the organization. When they begin a project, they take ownership of it, recognize their strengths and work on their weaknesses. They are competent in their field, possess a positive attitude, and believe that things will work out in the long run. They are also willing to work with others, believe in teamwork, and have a genuine desire to be successful.

Employee engagement surveys is a powerful tool for improving productivity and reducing staff turnover. It gives employees a sense of ownership and empowerment, and makes them eager to take on new challenges. It also gives them the opportunity to contribute fresh ideas to the organization. Energage, a Philadelphia-based employee survey company and partner of the Top Workplaces program, says that employee engagement is a vital component to a company’s success.

Transparency Promotes Employee Engagement

Transparency in the workplace fosters a culture of openness and trust, which in turn increases employee engagement. As business leaders, we must foster a culture of transparency to make sure that we are creating the conditions that will foster employee engagement. Without transparency, employees will feel they are being left out and will feel demotivated.

When employees feel like they are an integral part of a company, they put in their best effort. Employees feel they are important when they know they are responsible for their work. If they feel like cogs in a machine, they will give less than their best effort. Moreover, organizations that are transparent share their goals and strategy in a regular manner.

In addition, transparency can encourage teamwork and collaboration. It also encourages employees to be part of the decision-making process. For example, if a company is financially stable, it should make its business performance status known to all employees. This can help prevent layoffs and motivates employees to come up with creative solutions. Employees should be able to voice their opinions and suggestions, and managers should be available for open-door discussions.

Read more employee engagement survey.

Transparency promotes employee engagement by fostering a culture of trust and respect. By allowing employees to know exactly what is going on, they will feel connected to the company. As a result, they will be motivated to go the extra mile, and their engagement will increase. Transparency also fosters innovation, revealing new opportunities that were previously unavailable. High employee engagement can reduce absenteeism and improve productivity.

About the author

Robert Lenz

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